Growing is central to a life of faith and to our journey of following Jesus. Together and individually, we are seeking to grow deeper in our faith and wider in our witness. Take a look at our "Journey of a Lifetime" discipleship pathway (roadmap), as well as the various opportunities to enhance your spiritual growth.
Discipleship Pathway
We developed our "Journey of a Lifetime" discipleship pathway as a tool to help each of us as individuals better track where we are along our journey of following Christ, and to show us what might be next steps toward growth.
"Becoming more like Jesus" is at the center, surrounded by secondary goals: "Know God", "Connect with Others," "Grow Spiritually," and "Impact the World." Each of these has three specific areas of focus. We provide examples of what each focus area might look like at different stages of growth: Exploring, Transforming, and Centered in Christ.
This is also a tool to help church leaders track how we are addressing these key areas in Bible classes, preaching, and specific opportunities to grow by doing.
One of the ways we become more like Jesus is to make it a priority to seek to KNOW GOD through Worship, Learning, and Prayer...
Another way we become more like Jesus is to prioritize seeking to CONNECT with OTHERS through Hospitality, Fellowship, and Friendship...
An often overlooked way to become more like Jesus is to make it a priority to seek to GROW SPIRITUALLY through Spiritual Teaching, Spiritual Practices, and Spiritual Relationships. This focus moves beyond data about God and faith, and digs into forming Christ-centered identity, Christ-informed world-view, and Christ-like character.
Each of us was created to be a door through which God's love can walk to touch a hurting world. We become more like Jesus when we make it our priority to seek to IMPACT the WORLD as we Give, Serve, and Share Jesus in word and action.
We are currently gathering resources to supplement this "Journey of a Lifetime" discipleship pathway. Watch for more information soon.
Growing more like Jesus includes using and sharing our gifts. For more ideas about opportunities within our faith community, see Sharing Your Gifts.