Our Story
Indian Creek Church of the Brethren is first of all a Christian church. All that we do is a result of what God has done for us through Christ Jesus, God's Son and our Savior. Our desire is to express in word and deed the love, the joy, the peace and the hope, which are found in Jesus.
Indian Creek is also a Brethren church, a movement with a rich heritage dating back to 1708. Our own story dates back nearly that far. In 1719, the first Brethren arrived from Europe, seeking religious freedom and the economic opportunity to provide for themselves and their families. They first settled in Germantown, but later that same year, the family of Jacob Price and a few others, moved northwest onto land along the Indian Creek. Their settlement, now identified by the Price Homestead along Indian Creek Road in Lower Salford Township, encompassed most of the current housing development on Price and Homestead Roads.
For several decades, these families met and worshipped in their homes. Others joined them. Eventually, a meetinghouse was built on our current church property. Our current church building was constructed in 1906, undergoing significant renovations in 1958, 1986, and 2008.
However, the story of our church is ultimately not a story of buildings. It is a story of people, people who for more than 300 years sought to follow Jesus Christ and to continue His work, simply, peacefully, together.
And it is a story that continues to be written by God through the lives of those who are here today. Today, our congregation represents all age groups, many different walks of life, a variety of faith traditions, and diversity of race. We find our unity in our common love for God, our common faith in His Son, Jesus Christ, and our common commitment to remaining rooted in faith, to serving, to loving, and to growing together.
Come and be part of the story!