Nursery School
"A loving, Christian environment for your pre-school children"
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It's time to register for classes for the 2024-2025 school year!
Children must turn 3 by August 31 prior to their enrollment in the Fall.
For more information or to schedule a visit, call 215-256-3112 or fill out our online form.
Wee Folk Nursery School - General Information
The school is conducted by the Indian Creek Church of the Brethren as an expression of concern for the Christian nurture of young children in the community, regardless of church affiliation or race. We, as a church, desire to work with parents in this nurturing experience.
Current Classes
3 day program 9:00-11:30 (MWF - AM)
2 day program 9:00-11:30 (TTH - AM)
The schedule will alternate periods of activity and rest and will include guidance in the social and emotional growth of the child, concepts in social studies, science, health and safety, enlargement of verbal communication, stories and books for preschool children (Bible, classical favorites, and quality children's literature), arts, crafts, enjoyment of music, and activities to further physical development.
The child must be 3 years of age by September of his enrollment year. In all classes the pupil-teacher ratio will be seven to one. The program is available for thirty-four weeks beginning in September and running through May. We follow the Souderton Area School District calendar regarding school holidays and closing for inclement weather.
The school uses a large room in the newer addition of the Indian Creek Church of the Brethren ministry center. The room is epuipped with child-size furnishings, offering creative play/work opportunities. The school also uses an outdoor play area that includes swings, a climber with a slide, a sandbox, riding toys, tires, and a large grassy area for active play.
Parents are an integral part of the program. Parents are always welcome in our school and are free to discuss with the staff any questions that may arise. During the year, time is scheduled when parents and teachers meet together for conferences.
A $75.00 non-refundable registration fee is due within two weeks of verbal or written commitment and will hold the child's placement.
Tuition rates for the school year are:
$222/month for 3-day M-W-F class (payable for 9 months)
$185/month for 2-day T-Th class (payable for 9 months)
For more information or to schedule a visit, call 215-256-3112.