Sunday Worship - 10:00 am
Sunday worship is at the heart of the spiritual journey we share with one another. Together, we share music, readings from the Bible, prayer, and a time of teaching and encouragement. Many people find that taking time each week for worship, prayer, instruction from the Bible, and fellowship with a community of faith helps them maintain a spiritual focus throughout the week and contributes significantly to their personal and spiritual growth.
Our time of worship begins at 10:00 in the morning and generally ends between 11:15 and 11:30. We offer a nursery for infants and toddlers to age four. We also currently offer children's church, a separate experience for children age four through fourth grade, during the last half hour of the worship service.
For many, the style and culture of worship are very important in determining where they are likely to feel most at home and where the worship would be most conducive to their own personal and spiritual growth. Our gatherings are somewhat structured but not particularly formal. Our teaching (preaching) tends toward a more conversational style of delivery, seasoned with passion and practical application. Our music incorporates both traditional hymns and more recent expressions of worship and praise. We have a choir that sings at holidays and select Sundays throughout the year. Our praise teams lead a portion of our music each week.
Typical Sunday attire would be considered dress casual. Although individual preferences do vary, those who lean more toward "dress" and those who prefer more "casual" are quite happy to worship side by side.