Deacon Support

The word Deacon has a long history within the Christian church, dating back to the first century.  Of course, no one spoke English at that time.  But the word really isn't English.  It's Greek.  And it literally means "one who serves, as in waiting at table."

Here at Indian Creek, as in many churches, individuals and couples who accept the call to serve as Deacons take on an important ministry.  Collectively, Deacons offer informal spiritual leadership to the church and take responsibility as official hosts of the congregation--assisting with communion, taking turns as greeters at our Sunday morning worship service, and fascilitating various fellowship opportunties.

Perhaps the most important ministry our Deacons have is the personal attention and encouragement they offer to individuals and families within the church family.  All active church participants have the opportunity to be assigned to a specific Deacon or Deacon couple.  Each Deacon is given a list of approximately twelve individuals or families to whom they are intentionally available for personal encouragement, prayer, friendship, and sharing of needs or concerns.